Double Eyelid Surgery

enhances the beauty of your eyes by creating an enhanced and captivating appearance.

Special price


Eyelid surgery features small incisions and an exceptionally brief recovery period.



1 month after surgery

Double eyelid surgery

Achieve balance in your eyes' symmetry.

Xanthelasma Removal

Correct excess eyelid tissue and eliminate xanthelasma. This procedure is particularly beneficial for individuals with oversized eyelids or significant amounts of xanthelasma.

Fixing Fatigued Eye Muscles problem

In situations involving tired eye muscles, like patients with constantly droopy eyelids that give them a perpetually tired appearance, this solution can effectively repair and rejuvenate the eye muscles, creating a more vibrant and spacious eye appearance.

Correct Uneven Eyelids

Address the asymmetry of your eyes to reveal the natural beauty of your gaze.

Our Surgical Facilities

Our state-of-the-art sterile operation rooms, adhering to international standards, are outfitted with cutting-edge medical equipment and instruments. We operate at the utmost level of excellence to ensure your safety and provide you with an unparalleled experience.

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